A Quadriplegic Pedaling Accessibility Across Canada

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We have multiple missions. We are biking across Canada, coast to coast, to promote activity-based therapy, accessibility, and inclusivity of the community with disabilities. We are going to establish a biking route across the country that will be accessible for all levels of ability. And lastly, we want to show that a trip of this magnitude is possible for all levels of ability, illustrating that accessible recreation and activity are possible for all.

Upcoming Events

September 6th, 2024


Follow along as we take on another big challenge - a century ride!

100 miles (160km).


This ride will raise funds to help more people access activity based therapy programs in Ontario.


“On September 30th, at the Breakwater Lighthouse in Victoria BC., we completed our 8400th km and finished our cross-Canada journey!

This isn’t something I could’ve done alone. It was thanks to all your support, your love, your encouragement, and your belief in us that we could do it. Thank you for following our 4-month-long journey. It was absolutely incredible.

We were able to achieve what we set out to do - promote activity, accessibility, and inclusivity in the community of disabilities. We still have a long way to go but I was able to see a conversation start in places where accessibility was not on their radar.

I hope others with a disability feel inspired to get moving by finding an activity or sport that makes them feel good! We established and shared our route day by day in hopes of shedding light on accessibility across Canada.

This is not the end of Pedaling Possibilities, this is just the beginning.”

- Kevin Mills

Listen to Our Story and Our Goal