What is ABT?
Activity-Based Therapy (ABT) is a form of exercise therapy that focuses on re-training the nervous system below the level of injury through the activation of the neuromuscular system to recover specific motor tasks (Praxis, 2022). This can be done in a number of ways such as through the use of electric stimulation, robotics, or through repetitive movements in load-bearing positions at high intensities without the use of any high-tech devices (Praxis, 2022). In other words exercise is medicine!
“Therapeutic activities that involve ‘repetitive neuromuscular activation below the level of spinal injury, typically achieved through intensive, task-specific movement practice.’” MUSSELMAN ET AL. JNER 2018
Why is ABT important?
ABT has been shown to:
•Slow the onset of osteoporosis and osteopenia
•Prevent Joint contractures, and maintain a healthy range of motion (ROM)
•Build and maintain muscle mass
•Improve cardiovascular fitness
•Improve bowel and bladder functioning
•Decrease the risk of pressure ulcers by
increasing circulation
•Reduce the onset of secondary complications
•Mental Wellness and Socialization
Walk It Off Spinal Cord Wellness Center - An ABT Clinic
Kevin (photo on left) was introduced to ABT early into his spinal cord injury while in the States and knew this was something that he had to bring back to Ontario. He knew others needed this form of therapy. Together with his wife Heather, they fundraised for two years to create the not-for-profit, Walk It Off Spinal Cord Wellness Center Inc., in Newmarket Ontario. Over the last 12 years, they have been able to create a community of clients, trainers, and supporters that continue to fundraise every year to keep the program at Walk It Off growing! If you have not already check out their website or visit their linktree to find all their social media platforms to see just how fun, creative, and amazing ABT can be.
Barriers In ABT
Right now there is a lack of funding, lack of access, and lack of support for ABT from the Health Care Community.
Praxis (praxisinstitute.org) is the leading global collaborative in spinal cord research and they are continuously working hard to bring the research to real work practice. If you would like to learn more about ABT, the ABT community and where the research is headed listen to their podcast Spinal Moves via Spotify or Apple Podcasts spinalmoves.libsyn.com.